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  • The 8 Levels of Tzedakah

    February 1, 2017

    How to Level Up

    One of the key characteristics that all Jewish individuals must possess is compassion. The Talmud mentions the word Rahamanut, which means to show compassion towards others both selflessly and unconditionally.

    The act of caring for others takes on many forms in Judaism among which Tzedakah is an integral part. While Tzedakah is often lucidly described as the practice of helping others it’s not merely restricted to sparing a few coins for the poor. Tzedakah has several layers or degrees. Depending on how you provide the help your commitment toward the practice can be categorized in one of 8 levels of Tzedakah. Moses Maimonides talked about how Tzedakah is like a ladder where there are 8 different degrees of charity. Starting from the bottom you can work towards progressing upwards.

    It’s important to first get familiar with each of the 8 levels of Tzedakah before exploring the ways to reach the highest degree. Following are the 8 different levels starting from the highest to the lowest.

    1. Helping Someone Become Financially Independent

    2. Donation Where Both Donor and Recipient Remain Anonymous

    3. Donor Knows Who the Recipient Is but the Recipient Is Unaware About the Origin of the Donation

    4. Recipient Knows the Identity of the Donor but the Donor Is Unaware About Who The Recipient Is

    5. Donating Directly to the Recipient Without Being Asked

    6. Donating to the Poor After Being Asked

    7. Happily Donating but Giving Less Than What Should Be Given

    8. Donating but With Reluctance and Regret

    The goal is to identify your personal level of Tzedakah and sort to attain the highest level. The highest degree of Tzedakah involves helping someone become financially self-sufficient. This can be in the form of giving someone a business loan or by helping someone find a job. Giving loans to the needy to help them start businesses is considered to be a higher form of Tzedakah than an outright gift. This is because the loan does not undermine the recipient’s dignity and the financial aid helps that person to become free from poverty forever.

    Identifying and Achieving a Higher Tzedakah Level

    If you are giving Tzedakah through a reputed Jewish charity such as Satmar Bikur Cholim you can rest assured that your contributions will help people in need. From distributing nutritious meals to providing financial aid, your generosity will help someone in their most difficult time. The nature of online contribution not only makes things easy but also ensures both donor and recipient remain anonymous though the entire process. This means whenever you contribute through Satmar Bikur Cholim you automatically attain the second highest level of Tzedakah.

    Tzedakah is an amazing Jewish tradition that’s kept alive by Jewish families all over the globe. If you are a Jewish parent, it’s your responsibility to teach your children about Tzedakah and why it’s important. One of the best ways to improve your level of Tzedakah is by understanding each and every one of them. Next time when you are thinking about lending a helping hand keep in mind the 8 levels. Think about how you how you can achieve a higher level by simply changing your approach of providing help.

    For example, if you see someone in an impoverished condition instead of directly offering money think about how you can help that person become self-reliant. Talk to them and if possible help them start a business. Arranging interviews or offering jobs can also change people’s lives and help them live with dignity. By simply changing the approach in the way you provide aid will also allow you to achieve the highest level of Tzedakah.

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