Start the New Year Right— Help Satmar Bikur Cholim!
September 16, 2015
אבינו מלכנו שלח רפואה שלמה לחולי עמך...
It is an integral part of our daily prayers that we daven three times a day in Shmone Esrei for the sick of Klal Yisroel. Beginning on Rosh Hashanah, we make an additional plea for their welfare when we recite Avinu Malkeinu. But to be honest with ourselves, before we turn to Hashem we must first answer the following question:
“What have I done for the cholim of our nation?”
A Year of Life
As we daven this Rosh Hashanah "זכרנו לחיים... כתבנו בספר חיים טובים" let’s do our part to make sure the sick among us will enjoy another good year of life. Your generous donation makes you an integral share in all our myriad caregiving programs. Your support for the many activities at Satmar Bikur Cholim spells all the difference to hundreds of individuals and families in our community, a difference that means LIFE.
SBC’s “Triple Chai” Campaign
Become a “Triple Chai” member by donating $54, three time Chai, as a segulah for a year of Health, Wealth and Nachas from your Children.
Or you can donate $18 for a Year of Life.
Your tefilos this Rosh Hashanah will take on a whole new meaning.
May all of Klal Yisrael enjoy a sweet year of good health.